Meet the Writer

I take a deep breath as the wind whips my hair across my face and I ball my fist up until it kisses both sides of the four-inch granite crack. Hand, foot. Hand, foot. I place gear every ten feet- my mind working at a hundred miles an hour. I’m attached to my belayer hundreds of feet off the ground by a blue rope, and I know that if I fall, it’ll be a big one. Another foot. I look down. It’s a long way. I place my rubber-soled shoe down ever so gently, and feel the texture of the rock making it solid. I’m at the crux move. A big right hand gaston from a not-so-kind sloper to a solid crimp, four feet up. I coil like a snake, feeling the power in my hamstrings. I make the move, and my calloused skin grips the flake. I place my gear, clip the draw, and continue on.

Hi! My name is Noelle, and I’m the writer behind Above The Alpine. I’m primarily a rock and alpine climber, but I also love to kayak, mountain bike, trail run, and backcountry ski.
I do life with my pup Koa, who comes with me on a lot of my adventures. Based in Seattle, I work and study as a graphic designer and part-time barista. (mostly to fuel my coffee addiction) At the moment, I’m a weekend warrior, but I hope to become an outdoor guide and live in the great outdoors full time.

I grew up playing soccer and studying music, playing every instrument I could get my hands on. Now my hands itch for rock, and my legs are always ready for the next hike.
When I’m not climbing or outside, I love to play with my dogs, draw, and play guitar and piano. I’m a bookaholic, and love to learn about different kinds of trees and plants.
I started climbing in September of 2016, and ever since then I’ve considered the mountains my home. To me, there’s nothing better than watching a sunset in the alpine.
My family means a lot to me, and my dad and I plan to hike the PCT in a few years to celebrate his retirement and my college graduation.
As a Washington native, I grew up surrounded by evergreen trees, but will soon be traveling though the desert on a quest to find the most fun climbing route in the western United States.
I love to travel and have been all over the world, and hope to continue traveling for as long as possible. Eventually, I’d love to try vanlife and be a nomad, working remotely.
I love all dogs. Big or small, fluffy and curly, dogs are the best.
I’m also mostly vegan- although not all by choice. I’ve been a pescetarian since 2014, and the summer I started climbing, my body started to reject all dairy. Although- I do eat fish (because why would anyone willingly give up sushi?) and ever since then I do my best to stay away from animal products. If you ever have any questions about how I eat while in the backcountry (or in general) feel free to ask!
I love meeting fun, adventurous people who love the outdoors. People who love people have made my lifestyle possible by teaching me how to be safe and enjoy the outdoors in a way that doesn’t damage the earth.
Anyone can be outdoorsy. You just have to find the right people!
Thanks for reading!



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